Thursday, August 11, 2011

Feeling BIG!

I am 32 weeks pregnant now and I am starting to realize how BIG I am...
Up til now I've had many days where I forgot I even had a pregnant belly.  I've worn my same shirts since pre-pregnancy and have felt comfortable moving around, sitting on the floor, bending down, getting up, getting out of bed...etc.  

Today I woke up and felt HUGE!  (It could have been all those chips and salsa I ate last night).  I think I am just now entering into that stage of really feeling pregnant - like, big pregnant!  I haven't really gained any weight in the last month or so, but something is different.  And when I look at recent photos of me...well, let's just say I'm surprised at how big I am!  In more areas than one, might I add! ;)
Well, I have roughly 8 more weeks to go, so... I guess I'm in for a treat! ha!

My sister-in-law also due in October
Yep, I'm big. (And just think - black is slimming)
Regardless of my somewhat "blah" feelings toward my body right now, I am super excited for my labor experience!  Not just because I can't wait to hold Courage in my arms and look into his beautiful face, but also because of the beauty and power in childbirth!  Ah, my heart just leaps with joy when I think about it, and I love love LOVE preparing for that day - whether it's taking notes from different books, soaking in God's Presence and making declarations over Courage and my body, or envisioning the completion of Courage's room (the cloth diapers, the curtains, the crib, the futon moved out! etc).  I'm excited about setting up the birthing pool in his room and creating an atmosphere of peace and love, and of worship and JOY!  
My birthing pool still in the box...waiting to clear out Courage's room (the prayer room) to test it out
Our prayer room/Courage's room.  The futon NEEDS to go!  And the crib in the corner needs help setting up.
So, I may be BIG, and I may be getting BIGGER and BIGGER as these weeks progress...but I am still maintaining and growing in my joy and excitement of this special and amazing time of my life!  Such a time as this...

With love,

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