Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Do You Wake Up To?

"When we lose waking up in the morning as though each day was going to be full of adventure, joys, and dangers, and wake up instead to the alarm clock...we lose the newborn quality of belief which is so lovely in the child"
(L'Engle, Madeleine; Walking On Water)

This morning I woke up to a song playing in my head.  Everyone knows the song, “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.”  Well, in my head sang, “this IS THE light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…” I remember dreaming I was with a bunch of people singing this song, like in a gospel choir.  I was wearing a beautiful big whitish-pinkish dress with some other girls and everyone was having so much fun singing the song.  There was a lot of laughter and joy.  And then I woke up with the song singing loud in my head and the sunlight peaking through the blinds. 

Preston and I decided a while ago that the children’s song “this little light of mine…” is bad theology.  We changed the lyrics to “this BIG OL’ light of mine” and “if you hide it under a bushel it will burn it up!” haha

God’s Light is so bright and so big, that it is unbeatable.  As His children, we carry that same Light.  We must never think it small or weak.  It’s time we shift our small thinking into believing the truth about us – we are all called to greatness and we are all victorious because Jesus is victorious.  It really is true that “The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world!” (1 John 4:4 NIV).  Who we are scares the devil.  Our Light overpowers darkness.  If we don’t know who we are, we become victims and resort to survival tactics.  But when we know who we are, we march right into the enemy camp with fearlessness and power, and we defeat them with a thought.  Yes, with a thought!  It’s all about renewing our minds and thinking from the mind of Christ. 

Know who you are and own it.  Take courage and own your identity so that nothing can hide it under a bushel and so no one can convince you that you are powerless.
This IS the Light of mine.  And it is BIG and POWERFUL and BEAUTIFUL.  And I’m gonna let is shine, let it shine, let it shine!

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*P.S. -- I so want to do this!!*

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